Category Archives: Viewpoints

Industry Perspective of My Research on Enterprise Gamification

My research on gamification recently got picked up by GamEffective, a market leader in gamification platforms for employee performance and learning. Gal Rimon, the company’s Founder and CEO talked about my 2015 journal article on enterprise gamification in his blog post. In the blog post, Gal correctly points out my article’s main premise about “meaningful” gamification which aims… Read More »

Dot Whatever – Some Thoughts on the ICANN Announcement

In what may be the biggest development concerning Internet address spaces to date, this week, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced its plans to approve new top-level domains (TLDs) to expand the current set of domain suffixes like .com, .net, .org, as well as country code suffixes (such as .ca .us .uk). A request can… Read More »

B-school Bashing in Overdrive

It seems like B-School are being bashed left right and center this past week, and MBA programs are being blamed for the current financial mess that we’re in. I’ve also read various opinion editorial pieces and heard interviews of faculty members who have commented on the role business schools have played directlyor indirectly in leading to the current… Read More »