Research Philosophy & Programs

I am an interdisciplinary researcher who primarily identifies with the principal discipline of Information Systems (IS), but I also draw upon other reference disciplines such as Computer Science, Social Psychology, and Organization Science to explore the multifaceted nature of socio-technical systems.

Research Philosophy

My research programs are concerned with exploring contemporary information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their applications in human, organizational, and social contexts. Within the realm of IS research, my own specific orientation is that of an informatician – driven by the conviction that the design and deployment of technologies is more than simply a technical pursuit, and as IS researchers, we should strive to bring attention to the intricate relationships between technologies and their social and organizational contexts of use in real-world settings. Hence, most of my empirical research projects are predicated upon an interdisciplinary perspective grounded within the milieu of socio-technical research.

Research Programs

My research draws upon diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives, and my established and emerging research programs comprise a variety of technology applications being used in different contexts.

The mindmap below depicts a summary of my research programs. On the one hand, it highlights the scope of my research initiatives by outlining the various research domains in which my projects are situated, and the technology applications that I investigate within those domains. On the other, it shows the style that frames my research programs by noting the various IS research areas that provide the theoretical foundations for my research studies, and the research design elements that I regularly employ in my projects. The concepts and theories from the IS research areas serve as a lens of analysis for my investigations in one or more of the research domains that define the context of investigation of various technology applications. Finally, the techniques and procedures shown in the mindmap comprise the tools that I invariably use in my research studies.

On the whole, the left side of the mindmap highlights “what” I do as a researcher, while the right side pertains to “how” I do my research.


Mindmap Profile of Umar Ruhi's Research Programs

A Mindmap Summary of My Research Programs